DARPA giveth and taketh away... - Whitney Webb

7 months ago

DARPA giveth and taketh away... - Whitney Webb
In this enlightening video, Whitney Webb unveils the stark realities of our digital and financial future in 2024. She delves into the diminishing realm of financial and online privacy, highlighting the emerging threats posed by Central Bank Digital Currencies (CBDCs) and the drive towards a regulated internet.
Webb eloquently explains how these developments are part of a broader, more sinister agenda of surveillance and control, tying them to historical patterns of elite dominance. She also sheds light on the dynamics of power and the role of technology in shaping a new societal hierarchy, warning of the potential for a neo-feudal system underpinned by digital authoritarianism.
Join us for a critical exploration of these urgent issues that are shaping our world and the very fabric of our digital existence.
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Source: "proletarius64"
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