'HYBRIDS best' artificial AI patriot intels [mix lower dimensions DNA]

5 months ago

[note] real irony on they share is they topic they talks is AI when they are all about AI intels only also they share is not ready paid free share only people been pay they share means not real independent share but hybrids best on alien hybrids share aka still population misleading with paid talks blend into unique souls means soul trap level logic ego minds share or plusminus zero effect on best case scenario or barely light

[know] not waste your moment for listen they, they share is so much off from evacuation plan or far even from survive plan or still only business to serve sell services products how hide all who find materials for make own how people attention been hijacked with fake high or you figure when been listen they all limited physical mental experience info wars, you better focus fight for life or you become victim or you stay on victim level information trap low frequency with listen they all or with pay they all or with support all they when you not even know help your own being, also they not help they own being more even they know what you not know, thats how mysterys still sold to blind population even all was need be totally absolutely free, thats already more than levels stupidity but you cant expect much more from alien hybrids than mess up mix all twist turn bend full truth to sound look how likes how wants what not even make common sense nor connect all dots, still they focus politics but they not focus even they own life as much into corporation government politics business hybrid cloning space programs, thats not most new but all that old whats not come back after full disclosure whats event far beyond all alternative wake up calls whats all also still turned into forms business aka corporation connection virtual reality internet not even near people real life wake up situation

"ALTERNATIVE news benjamin fulford [19jan2024]"

[topics] beyond lightworker patritionism


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