Why I Do What I Do!

1 year ago

In this video (new to Rumble but made 9 months ago and previously released on other platforms), Dr. Lisa shares her journey as a wholistic practitioner; from naturopathic doctor to researcher of integrative medicine to various modalities of energy work/energy healing. She shares her connection to cancer and why she is passionate and purposeful in this mission to serve others in this arena. She goes on to describe the journey of her credentials, education, further learnings and teachings as well as own self work and personal development. She describes a bit about being an ND from an accredited institution versus one who just has an online certificate, the different scopes of practice in different states and why she moved from one to the other. She ends with a glimpse into where things are headed and what her ultimate dream is!
She has since added even more modalities so stay tuned for an updated video of this nature!


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