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SN1402: Social Erosion, Experimental Consent & Starting Secession ⚠️

Streamed on:

[Audio Podcast Version: https://www.blogtalkradio.com/factionsoffreedom/2024/01/26/social-erosion-experimental-consent-starting-secession]

[Episode Article: https://factionsoffreedom.jimdofree.com/2024/01/26/sn1402-social-erosion-experimental-consent-starting-secession/]

Texas is being chosen as the battlegrounds for a historic moment regarding the confrontation of globalist policies.14 states have sided with Texas in their attempts to halt the invasion down at the southern border, setting the stage for a potential coalition of states. Is this the beginning of the civil war?

It won’t be one particular issue that ignites the hearts and minds of people. Even as we receive information of roughly 17 million people being killed by the vaccines, there’s still no uproar for justice. General discontent and the conditions that create these emotions are the theme of this week's transmission.

Indeed we’re seeing the angrier world as described by Klaus Schwab, and as the global elite execute their nefarious agenda, the people of the world are waking up. All around the world people are resisting these tyrannical policies, but this moment of fleeting success will be met with an even more harsh response.

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