WHO Official Michael Ryan Says Remove Infected from Households – Presumably by FORCE

11 months ago

A little over 3 1/2 years ago, Dr. Michael Ryan said that in response to the spread of the Coronavirus that they may need to ENTER Homes and REMOVE Family Members – Presumably by FORCE, because who in the hell would agree to something like this.

Of Course, they would say "it is for your good, for their good and for the greater good of all the people."

Yes, they would try and use the "For the Greater Good" Bullsh*t.

Because people are so gullible and would love to believe they are "helping" prevent a plandemic -- I mean pandemic.

Just listen to the incredible B.S. spewing from this murderer's filthy mouth. Remember, this was when everyone was in Lockdown and he said most infections are happening in the home.

"Now we need to look at the families and find the people who may be sick and go and remove them." WHAT the hell is this dude smoking?

So, this gives these tyrants permission to enter homes? Hell NO.

"They need to be isolated in a Safe and Dignified Matter."

That is short for, when we get them, you have no clue what we will do with them, but we will murder them in a dignified matter. *That is exactly what they do.

The verbal diarrhea spewing from his dirty little mouth is about Murdering your Family Members who are sick in a "Dignified Matter".

Remember, they used the PCR test to Determine who was sick. So even if there were NO Symptoms whatsoever, they could use their totally FAKE ass PCR test and say that this particular family member has Covid and we need to remove them before they infect everyone else. Once removed, the only time you will ever see them again, is in a Body Bag.

Remember this, because for their next Plandemic they will push this harder.

We must NEVER, EVER allow these tyrants to do this again!

The USA and other countries are going to sign a TREATY with the WHO to REMOVE the Sovereignty of all Individuals and place that "sovereignty" in the hands of the WHO for "Health Emergencies."

We cannot allow this to happen. This is EXACTLY what is being proposed.

Here is that WHO Treaty proposal -- https://apps.who.int/gb/ebwha/pdf_files/WHA75/A75_18-en.pdf

To give our own Individual Authority away to Foreigners is absolutely ludicrous. It is a Death Wish.

Why would any of our Politicians even consider something like this? Unless they are part of an Agenda signed Decades ago.

To Learn more about what the WHO wants to do with us, see this:

1. The WHO controls AMERICA – The USA Sold Out to the WHO – Don’t Worry - it’s for our Health --

Know this: The Pandemic was CREATED by these guys AFTER they already had the SOLUTION (mRNA Vaccines). This is called the Hegelian Dialectic - create the solution and then the problem, but the solution is the accomplishment of a set objective / agenda.

About Michael J. Ryan:
Dr. Michael J. Ryan executive director of the World Health Organization's Health Emergencies Program, who led the team responsible for the international containment and treatment of COVID-19. Ryan worked with the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation on their efforts to stamp out infectious diseases in Africa.

SOURCE: AllTheWorldsAStage -- https://www.bitchute.com/video/xBpUVd1WwryM/

END. 1/25/2024.

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