The Great Globalist Climate Scam

5 months ago

Geoscientist Dr Ian Plimer: "No one has ever proven that human emissions of CO2 drive global warming, and if it could be proven, then it would have to be demonstrated that the 97% of emissions that are natural do not drive global warming."

So many people are brainwashed by "scarcity", this is one of the globalist tools so they can tax you more towards enslavement..."for the greater good", a typical zionist-communist-bolshevik-nazi-khazarian playbook. They did it with the oil scarcity hoax and the "fossil fuel" lie, they pushed scarcity hoax on to water and so on. Then there's the ridiculous over-population hoax, but the gullible sheep will nod their heads to "Right Honourable" Politicians, CEO's decorated with OBE's and Knighthoods, they love giving gongs to pedophiles and psychopaths. The only carbon the globalists want to reduce is...YOU

Wake the Fcuk Up

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