Parasites ARE REAL...

8 months ago

United States medical industries were trained to not see them. By them not knowing & people trusting their doctors & beliving that they actually know what their talking about.
Its all a joke. You & i could be as good as any other doctors out there.
Be aware that most house animals have a parasitic infection THAT HUMANS CAN GET.
THEY lie and say you dog has it but your fine. Thats a lie if they have it you probably do and any little child you have visiting.
Dont u think its interesting that they are slowly pulling animals meds off the shelves because they know parasitic infection can be cured & they also know that CANSER comes from a long term parasitic infection that when untreated.
And doctors wont write the prescription need because the people in charge tell them not to prescribe them to anyone. This is real ive found them in multiple animals and humans.
Im not a doctor or anything like that i started geting interested in this when i realized that the doctors were dumb and had no clue what they're talking about.

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