23-JAN-2024 Q&A Chlorine Dioxide Solution with Dr. Pedro Chavez, COMUSAV Mexico

11 months ago

This Q&A session for beginners in the world of the oxidative therapy with Chlorine Dioxide Solution or CDS at 3000ppm (Andreas Kalcker's formula), not to be confused with mms or acidified sodium chlorite.
Learn about the AI (Anti-Inoculation) protocol ideal to treat post COVID19 "vaccine" adverse effects by regenerating the cells in the body.
CDS is essential in everyone's life as is part of the electro-molecular medicine.
Explained in Andreas Kalcker's Master Seminar.

The Universal Antidote Documentary: https://theuniversalantidote.com/
Anti-Inoculation Protocol (Video conference & PDF): https://comusav.com/protocolo-ai/
Find authorized distributors of Dr. h. c. Kalcker's books: https://voedia.com/en/distribuidores/
Kalcker Institute Master Seminar Enrollment: https://en.kalckerinstitute.com/ref/30/
Andreas Kalcker's Official Website: https://andreaskalcker.com/
Informed consent for patients and health professionals: https://comusav.com/recursos/
COMUSAV Mundial's Video library in English: https://www.brighteon.com/channels/comusavenglishofficial

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