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Mesmerizing Process of Nanoparticles Like Graphene Self-assembling Into Solid Materials

1 year ago

In this stunning new video, nanoparticles, like graphene oxide rain down, tumble along stairsteps and slide around before finally snapping into place to form a crystal's signature of stacked multidimensional layers.

Read more at https://phys.org/news/2023-03-real-ti... In this video: Liquid-phase TEM video of layer-by-layer growth of a crystal with smooth surface from gold concave nano cubes. Surface particles on the growing crystal are tracked (center positions overlaid with yellow dots).

Learn more about nano technology at: www.drrobertyoung.com/blog


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  • Hi, Dr. Young, just one such question: "Why do you post the most active "virus pushers" on your blog, even though there has never been any "virus"?" People can get sick from all sorts of things, but CERTAINLY NOT FROM FICTITIOUS "VIRUSES", WHICH EXIST EXCLUSIVELY IN VITRO (in glass, petri dish, corrugated plates, etc. where the addition of countless chemical substances interrupts and kills the metabolism of everything that comes in contact with them!) AND IN SILICO!!

  • Dr. Young, these selected videos are from Liberty TV on Bitchute. 100% FLAT EARTH PROOF - The Only Proof That You Ever Need https://www.bitchute.com/video/CTO1rlVNcdDr/ DEFINITIVE PROOF That Earth Is a Plane, Not a Globe https://www.bitchute.com/video/JNvs4BmJaYmt/ Blue Origin: Flat Horizon Rises with the Camera to 320000 Feet = Flat Earth https://www.bitchute.com/video/hqN9JngfyHSL/ Moon is Plasma & Earth's Selfie! Earth is Flat & Larger, Has More Continents & Macro-Climate Change https://www.bitchute.com/video/SQuCeDylb96i/ This is an important post on Wordpress, MUST READ. Empirical Evidence: The Moon Is Local, Non-Solid, Self-Illuminating, Cold Plasma and Earth’s Mirror https://wp.me/Pfnjv7-l SaveHumans21 Exposes the Mother of All Conspiracies, to Defeat the Cabal & Prevent Human Extinction https://www.bitchute.com/video/JNhpRO1vk1pB/ The Cabal, Globalists & Gatekeepers Are Going All Out to Distract the World from This! Spread Far! https://www.bitchute.com/video/wLMr1tRD5drv/ MEDIA BLACKOUT: The Real Cosmos Can Destroy Cabal & WEF, Prevent WW3, Dystopian AI World, End Times https://www.bitchute.com/video/oUCUl9jhRPZJ/ I'm helping Liberty TV to spread awareness. Please do the same if you like the videos.

  • Looks like 3 d printing controlled by wavelength technology

    1 like
  • Link mistake page 404

  • the bible is a FLAT EARTH book the bible is a NEGRO book