Terry Wolfe on The Hrvoje Morić Show - 24 January 2024

5 months ago

On today's show, indefatigable expositor Terry Wolfe weighs-in on a handful of current news reports, including Canada's federal court ruling that the government's use of the Emergencies Act in 2022 was unconstitutional, Trudeau's concerns about a 2nd Trump presidency, the so-called 'urban sin' of community gardening, cryptocurrency company Terraform Labs filing for bankruptcy protection in the US and more.

GUEST OVERVIEW: Terry Wolfe is the author of FIRE IN THE RABBIT HOLE and MAYBE EVERYONE IS WRONG: REVELATIONS, CONSPIRACY, AND THE KINGDOM OF HEAVEN. He is an independent researcher from Canada's prairies, raised as a Mennonite to fear God and study the Word. His viral TikTok videos have been featured on dozens of major platforms and received millions of likes because they explain complex and intimidating topics in an enjoyable and simple way. https://linktr.ee/wolfpox

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