I Am Zozo

8 months ago

~ Supplemental Material ~

"No one among you is to sacrifice his son or daughter in the fire, practice divination, tell fortunes, interpret omens, practice sorcery, cast spells, consult a medium or a spiritist or inquire of the dead."

- Deuteronomy 18:10-11

Modern society is an age of irony. It's the information age but most people are ignorant to relevant information. From the capacity to read and do simple arithmetic, to the more complicated knowing geography and one's own history...people are ignorant of such things. People had more knowledge prior to the modern use of computers, then today's counterparts.

It's no surprise that this ignorance would also effect those that are also Christians. The entire video is one of the mystical practice of divination, specifically what is known as numerology. The Bible is very clear on the practice of anyone making meaning of something the Bible hasn't done. Jesus Himself says:

"An evil and adulterous generation demands a sign but no sign will be given to it except the sign of the prophet Jonah."

- Matthew 12:39

The speaker Brandon Peterson says it himself; the number of occurrences in the Hebrew and Greek; doesn't happen and this also holds true to the other English versions. One has to ask, why would God decide to do this only for the version of the King James?

What most people aren't aware of; King James was a Freemason. There's no secret to, or anything hidden about him being part of Freemasons. All of it is recorded in official historical documents. Freemasons, back before the industrial revolution; were large numerologist.

In the same way alchemist sought to understand the magic of transformation of substances; Freemasons sought to understand the secrets of life through the secret power of numbers. As such, there is no question as to paranormal involvement with the KJV. Real question is; what were those entities that were involved? There are after all, other powers that are out there; that can create such a phenomenon, besides God.


The invocation made, was done 7 times. Who seems to be the one that has an interest with numbers? The words in reverse, making the clear statement; shows the power that does exist, with those outside of God's Kingdom.

There did exist a better video, where the person compared other people; even in those gatherings; how what is said by one, can't be done by anyone else. This includes altering speed and tones. That video was taken down because it "violated terms of service;" which is a constant reminder of the importance of free speech platforms like Rumble.

What makes this entire situation a sad illustration of " Christian mysticism" in the modern church; the number 777 was claimed by an "Antichrist," Aleister Crowley. He was the prime orchestrator of the modern occult movement of today. He was the father of what's known as neopaganism and modern day witchcraft. Grand uncle to Wicca and grand cousin to Scientology.

Aleister Crowley took the title "Beast," from the Book of Revelation, referring to himself as the Antichrist. Since 666 was taken by the Bible's Antichrist, he gave himself 777. Is there any place in the Bible that shows any significance to that number?

For all those that are familiar with Hebrew, our number 7 looks like the Hebrew character vav. Which also has a darkly humourous situation with what Peterson is saying.


More details concerning the KJV can be seen in both the video and "Supplemental Material" section, by hitting the "Show more" button; under the title of the video and the date it was posted; linked below:


There are some that might see this entire issue as one of preference. It is and isn't. Normally, choice in Bible translations isn't a big deal. As a believer in full disclosure; a person should be fully informed with strengths and weaknesses. The KJV issue; those that are advocates; are not that different from those that are "Christian witches" or false teachers. Which is why, it is advised to avoid such churches and teachers that champion this particular version.

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