Old Tech, New Perks - Everspace 2 Episode 18 - Lunch Stream and Chill

1 year ago

Previously, on Lunch Stream and Chill...

We explored the Athor I, the world where Eduardo an Khala were, before heading to the wreckage of Khala's ship. While there, we found something Khala recognized as valuable, and she urged us to find more.

By happenstance, or plot necessity, Marie arrived in the Flying Dutchess at the ruins of Khala's ship, and was able to direct us towards some of these things Khala needs to return home.

We plundered an outlaw base for one and received one as a gift from the Okkar Tarjack. There is one more "thing" at a G&B storage and disposal location.

Taureen also convinced Kato to offer us the best ships money can buy. The ships were almost as impressive as the prices.

We will retrieve the last "thing" Khala needs and bring it back to her at home base in Episode 18, Old Tech, New Perks.

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- Support Me: buymeacoffee.com/rofuregames
- Stream announcements on X: twitter.com/RofureGames

00:00 Welcome and Dad Jokes
02:59 Black Market Pickup
04:33 Unknown Signal - Base
08:25 Khala's Things - G&B
15:10 High Risk Area
23:04 Imogen Says Hello
25:55 To Homebase (Cutscene)
33:55 Khala's Perks
38:50 The First Rip
49:02 Okrot Trading Station
51:35 Taureen and Hawke (Cutscene)
58:40 The Gas Field Rip
1:02:35 The Worst 3 Minutes of Your Life
1:06:23 Homeward Rip and Trade Goods
1:13:23 Back to Khait Nebula
1:16:06 To Okrot for Trading, Crafting and Catalysts
1:27:15 The Emissary's Ship (Cutscene)
1:28:26 Taureen and Adam Fight
1:32:58 Speaking with the Emissary (Cutscene)
1:38:33 Summary and Goodbye

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