A massive landslide occurred in a village in Zhaotong, Yunnan

5 months ago

1/22/2024 According to Taiwanese media reports, a massive landslide occurred in a village in Zhaotong, Yunnan. The reports said that the landslide buried 18 houses and left 47 people missing. The heavy snowfall on site further complicated the rescue efforts. As for the cause of the landslide, some internet users had already posted on social media a month ago about noticeable cracks found on the mountainside where this landslide later took place.
#Yunnan #landslide #CCPdisasters
1/22/2024 据台湾媒体报道,云南昭通镇一村庄发生特大山体滑坡。报道称,此次滑坡造成18 栋房屋被埋,47人失踪,而现场的大雪让救援难度进一步加大。对于滑坡原因,一个月前就有网友在社交媒体发帖称在发生此次滑坡的山体发现了明显的裂缝。
#云南 #山体滑坡 #中共灾难

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