"Senatus PopulusQue Americanus" w/The Cognitive Marine

5 months ago

How often do you think about the Roman Empire? Pretty often, if you asked me. The Roman Empire has become the metric for comparisons of other empires throughout history. Most recently, the British Empire and the United States of America.

This week we sit with "The Cognitive Marine" to discuss the parallels. "The Cognitive Marine", as he goes by, is a Marine Corps Lieutenant Colonel with more than 20 years of active military service. Rome is his passion and so too is the United States.
Naturally, the comparisons between Rome and the United States are many. Both Rome and the United States were founded by dispossessed peoples of a different empire, they both threw off the yoke of tyrannical kings to form republics, and both have seen the assassinations of populist leaders seeking to rectify issues stemming from social and economic disorder. The American Founding Fathers even reference the Roman Republic many times in the founding of their own Republic.

This is a very short list of comparisons, with much more, and some eerily similar. Will the United States go the way of Rome? Or can it fix itself to prevent it's own demise?

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