Nikki Haley Backers Urge Her to Stay in the Race in Case Trump Goes to Jail

7 months ago

Donald Trump scored a second straight resounding victory in the New Hampshire primary thumping establishment RINO Nikki Haley by 11 points.

But Haley refused to throw in the towel.

And Nikki Haley refused to drop out because Donald Trump will meet this unthinkable fate.

After eight years of unshakeable support from the GOP base for Donald Trump, the party establishment refuses to get the message.

Donald Trump routed Nikki Haley among registered Republicans 74 to 25 percent in the New Hampshire primary.

Haley was only able to keep the race to the low double-digits because she beat Trump 60 to 38 among independents and 88 to 5 percent with Democrats.

There is no viable path forward for Haley to contest the GOP nomination as Republican voters will decide the Republican Party nominee for president.

But establishment Republicans who want control back of the GOP see it differently.

The Wall Street Journal editorial board published an op-ed following Haley’s defeat where the elites at the Journal whined that Donald Trump puts America first and believes securing the U.S.’s southern border is more important than throwing good money after bad to fund Joe Biden’s failing war in Ukraine.

In the op-ed, the Journal’s editorial board argued Haley should stay in the race in the hopes that Jack Smith wins a conviction against Trump in one of his rigged show trials so Haley and her backers in the GOP establishment could then steal the nomination from Trump at the 11th hour during the GOP convention in Milwaukee this summer.

“If she can remain competitive, there’s an argument for Ms. Haley to stay in the race through the July convention. Mr. Trump faces a treacherous legal road, and one of the cases against him could go to trial. If he’s convicted of a felony, 42% of voters in New Hampshire and nearly a third of Iowa’s Republican caucus-goers said Mr. Trump would be unfit for the Presidency. That would mean he can’t win. Ms. Haley could stay in the race, rack up delegates, and see what happens if he is found guilty,” the Journal wrote.

The Journal also tried a clever play on words by mentioning Trump and Biden’s ages while saying the “die isn’t cast” to hint that one or both parties may need a new nominee in November due to death.

“The political odds still favor a Joe Biden-Trump rematch, but strange things can happen with candidates who are this old and this disliked by a majority of the public. The 2024 election may have more twists before the Trump vs. Biden die is cast and, if that is the choice, millions of Americans will look for a third-party alternative,” the Journal also wrote.

Establishment RINOs know this is their last stand to stop Donald Trump.

And GOP bigwigs are going to walk right up to the line of saying they want to see Donald Trump put in jail or pass away if that’s what it takes to take the nomination away from him.

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