An Older Presentation on "Retardation" by the NIMH. Extremely Uncomfortable Video

11 months ago

Hello... an older video about Birth Defects and ill health...

CONTENT WARNING: Extremely graphic material, extremely uncomfortable viewing for those with Empathy! The birth defects exhibited here are really a creation of the chemical bath of the modern World. Causative factors based upon how we pollute our environment and destroy legacy genetic lines of existing flora and fauna. The chemicals, the Nuclear tests, the chemical food additives... it all has a cause and effect. Fat person proliferation compared to what I saw for body types in the 70s. The rocketing cancer. Especially now after the mass mRNA poisoning which may utterly destroy the human species. In any event if you want honest but dated coverage of this topic then this is the video for you... but you will need a strong stomach. It's heartbreaking material and grotesque in the extreme. Makes you wonder about Roundup and all the other contaminants. Time to clean up, and to clean up our World.

~ Keep your head on a swivel, stay free and be healthy! ~ S.

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