Natalia Grace Spankdog's View On The 2 Seasons Barnett Mother Looks Bad Sorry For The Typo Vol. 14

1 year ago

sorry for the typo in the graphic. Natalia Grace episode from my point of view how I felt about the first two seasons and how I believe money is now the true driving force behind the HBO seasons I wouldn't be surprised if Natalia Grace signed on for season 3 in a contract. I mean this is all speculation but if she did get a contract for season 3 God bless her little soul. by the time I finish watching season 2 even though they try to spin it I was already realizing that this girl had been put through hell. I'll leave it at that when I talk about how I feel it does reveal certain things so if you don't want to know about the documentary then you'll think twice about hearing me give my opinion. but I'll let you watch so you could be the judge

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