AITA for throwing out my gf's dolls?

1 year ago

My (24m) gf (23f) and I have been together (long distance) for 3 years. We just moved in together, I moved across the country for her after finishing college.

I always knew my gf liked creepy shit, like haunted houses and scary movies, but I didn't realize she liked to collect creepy shit. I'd seen her apartment over video calls, but there was one thing she had neglected to show me. A fucking SHELF of creepy ass dolls. When I was walking through the apartment for the first time I noticed it in the corner of the living room and holy shit. I asked her and she said that she likes thrifting for old, 'abandoned' dolls, cleaning them, getting them new clothes, doing their hair, then throwing them on this shelf. Then she started introducing me to them... They all had names, and there were a couple really rough ones that she said she had since she was a kid or were her mom's, or some were her grandma's, the other 4 were thrifted. She said the ones she thrifts and gets into good enough shape she gives to disadvantaged kids at the daycare she works at. She only keeps the ugly ones.

I thought I'd be okay with it, but every morning I just dreaded looking at them, they made me so fucking uncomfortable. I tried buying her squishmallows, thinking maybe she could collect something normal instead, she loved them but she still is all about the dolls. I then suggested she give them to her kids at daycare, or display them at daycare instead, buy she was worried they'd be damaged or taken home by kids by accident. I think she realized I didn't like them so she asked if I wanted her to move them into the closet. I said yes and thought that would be it.

Well one of my friends flew out to visit, and when we were hanging out he dropped a bowl of popcorn. I asked him to grab the vacuum out of the closet he almost shit his pants. The dolls heads all poked out of the box, and their creepy little eyes stared into his soul. Horror movie shit. I was so embarrassed and my gf was apologetic, but had a bit of a laugh. Honestly that was the last straw, those fucking things wouldn't leave me the fuck alone. The next day, which is today, is garbage day, so I took the box out and tossed it while my gf was away. It's gone. My gf came home and I started sweating. I told my friend we were leaving to get dinner. She's been calling and texting but I want to give her time to cool off. My friend is saying I'm a bit of a jerk, but I genuinely feel that I had to do it.

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