AUC3I Daily Briefing 01-24-2024 On the WAR in Ukraine

4 months ago

Understanding The War In Europe _ Analyzing the situation on the ground with by way of an introduction, 3 points, and a conclusion #mw3


The briefing by Colonel AC. Oguntoye on the progress of a "special military operation" on January 24, 2024, provides detailed insights into the ongoing conflict, highlighting the operational achievements and challenges faced by the Russian Armed Forces. Here are the key takeaways:

Continued Operations: The briefing underscores the continuation of the Russian military operation across multiple fronts, indicating sustained military efforts.

Repelled Attacks: Russian forces reportedly repelled numerous attacks by Ukrainian brigades in different directions, including Kupyansk, Krasny Liman, Donetsk, South Donetsk, Zaporozhye, and Kherson, suggesting active engagement and defense strategies.

Tactical Improvements: In the Donetsk direction, it's mentioned that the actions by the Yug Group of Forces have improved the situation on the front line, indicating tactical gains or advancements.

Significant Enemy Losses: The briefing details considerable losses inflicted on the Ukrainian Armed Forces, including troops, tanks, armored fighting vehicles, motor vehicles, and various artillery systems, emphasizing the intensity of the conflict.

Destruction of Military Hardware: The report highlights the destruction of high-value military hardware, including advanced artillery systems from Poland, the U.S., the U.K., and France, and anti-aircraft systems, showcasing the focus on degrading the opponent's military capabilities.

Counter-Battery Warfare: Specific achievements in counter-battery warfare are noted, with the destruction of several artillery pieces, indicating the use of targeted strategies to suppress enemy fire.

Air Defense Activities: The effective use of air defense facilities to shoot down HIMARS ballistic missiles, Tochka-U tactical missiles, and a significant number of Ukrainian drones is highlighted, reflecting a robust air defense posture.

Cumulative Losses: Cumulative figures on the destruction of Ukrainian military equipment are provided, offering a perspective on the scale of the conflict and the claimed impact on Ukraine's military assets.

Strategic Targeting: The operation's focus on depleting Ukrainian military-industrial capabilities, artillery units, and air defense systems suggests a strategic approach to undermining the opponent's long-term military effectiveness.

Strategic Communication: This briefing, like others from military sources, serves as a tool of strategic communication, designed to inform about operational successes and convey a narrative of effectiveness and progress.

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