Things That Pregnant Women Should Know About Amniotic Fluid

6 years ago

Pregnant accident because of amniotic fluid is considered dangerous accident during pregnancy. Therefore, pregnant women should be vigilant with their amniotic fluid state.

Babies that develop in mothers’ wombs are surrounded by amniotic fluid. Amniotic fluid plays an important part in existing and developing of fetus. It has function of restoring energy and providing nutrients for fetus. Moreover, it can help fetuses avoid excessive impediment of outside effects, protect babies from breaking into of bacteria and provide many other important functions for fetus’s life.

The amount of amniotic of pregnant women can be different, it can also increase and reduce and this thing depends on time of becoming pregnant. In the 37th week, the highest amount of amniotic fluid is approximately 1000ml. But in some cases, the amount of amniotic in mothers’ womb is too much or too little. This state is called small amniotic fluid or poly amniotic fluid. Although it is small amniotic fluid or poly amniotic fluid, it can contain the risk for pregnancy. While small amniotic fluid can make babies be choked, poly amniotic fluid can make babies renal failure. Therefore, pregnant women need to understand clearly to have ways to prevent and cure timely.

1. Poly amniotic fluid
2. Small amniotic fluid

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