Doctor said he was "forced" by the government to take the vaccine which gave him Bell's Palsy

5 months ago

Yes, the vaccine mandates are pure evil. The government is purely satanic. People were manipulated into killing themselves with the clotshot but at least for most of them, they were by no means "forced" to take it. Unless police knocked down your door with a battering ram, physically held you down and forcibly vaccinated you against your will, you were otherwise not "forced" to take the vaccine. Complying with the vaccine mandate doesn't count. After all, this doctor complied. What does compliance mean? It means to obey, and clearly, this guy exercised his freewill to obey and trust the government when he shouldn't have. You have every right to blame the government for the vaccine mandates, but you should also blame yourself if you took the vaccine, for it was still YOU who took it if you complied. People are just complete clowns these days. They are sacrificing their lives to pay bills for houses and cars that they don't even own. Nothing, and I mean NOTHING is more important than human life in this world. Do not sacrifice your life for materialistic possessions. You're going to lose everything anyway due to medical bills and then die eventually from the killshot if you take it. Society will go through a controlled collapse and when that happens, they will reset it to where vaccines will be mandatory for life. They will also mandate microchips for you to be allowed to buy or sell anything in society, and the only way to verify any purchases through a biometric surveillance system on the microchip is by proving through the system that you are vaccinated. This is nothing short of pure evil. This is why you have to find a new way to live after the collapse, or else dying from blood clots will be your inevitable fate if you cave into the beast system of the illuminati.

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