Think Better Health: Full Metal Ox Day 1060

4 months ago

Full Metal Ox Day 1060
Wednesday 24, January 2024
Apocalypse Year Episode 1125

Think Better Health

A kid in the gym asked me how long it took me to get "like that" (in such good condition.)
"All my life," I said.
The most flippant answers are usually the most profound.
Wherever we are in our lives whether it's the pinnacle of what we call success, or the depths of despair, it took us a lifetime to get there. A lifetime of diligence or debauchery. And even if we believe we've reached our destination years ago, we're where we are now, right now, because there is only Now.
Right now you're older than you've ever been, and you'll never be this young again.
I've actually been thinking of adding more features and doing more stuff to make this series "more popular." Then I came to my senses and realized what the primary goal of this project is; to produce & publish a video every day for as long as possible during the twelve year journey. It could legitimately be as basic as five minutes complaining about my day, or bragging about my workout. But because I have this "je ne c'est quoi" I turned it in to a TV show, with intro, outro, thematic days, like Wellness Wednesday and Thursday, and so on. And nobody cares but me. I was feeling like I was falling behind, I was getting a bit frustrated at the wind. Well, not "at" the wind, but "about" the wind. And I know, it's my choice to do these outside in the elements. It's what gets me outside. If I didn't make this series at all, I'd still go outside every day. I'd still hit the gym and the parks, however, if I made these videos inside, like maybe set up a studio, did live podcasts and chat stuff, I wouldn't get out, I wouldn't get sleep, I might get hooked on super chats, and it would disrupt journey. Although it would be a different journey.
These notes have little if anything to do with today's episode. This may turn out to be "a thing." I might start writing on substack. I like to write. I like to think and write down the thoughts Universe sends me. Maybe for posterity, maybe just as reminders of goals, discussion topics, maybe even dreams.
Speaking of dreams, what do you do when your dreams come true?
Someone asked, "if money wasn't an issue what would you do?"
My answer, "I'd travel the world meeting the people I encountered on the Internet."
This has taken me to several US states and a handful of countries. I didn't catch everyone, of course, but I met everyone I was meant to meet and they spun off other adventures.
At least when I meander in type, I can look back and see where I started.
Before I cut loose, it's a fasting day. 24 hours. Our third since we started last Wednesday. We'll track the weight and our mental health in the episode. Reach out to your buds and make sure they're good.

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SEASON 1 of FMO on the archives

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YouTube: The Fitness Journey: We're currently in the winter bulking season. But we're doing more flexibility work as well. It's our intention to bulk muscle, slowly & continue to shred fat. I doesn't get crazy cold down here so we expect our outdoor activity to continue. Follow for tips, strategies, results, evals, and adjustments.

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Get strong. Be strong. Stay strong. Don't panic. Don't freak out. Humanity for the win!


Living is the best part of life.

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