4 months ago


Ron DeSantis, the only traditional values family man with integrity, the only Christian nationalist and true Reagan conservative in the presidential race, is out. Nikki will be out too.

But we here at InspoNews News are a Christians news organization that is now United against Trump & Biden who are BOTH CORRUPT! InspoNews - no, we are never "out". By the grace of God, Federico is never out of the fight against evil in our troubled nation. We are determined to keep a corrupt & unhinged Donald Trump & Joe Biden out of the single most powerful seat of power on Earth - the United States Presidency.

But in this report its Donald Trump (whom we once avidly supported) who we carefully examine. After all, Jesus said, "a tree is known by its fruit." He's a real existential threat to our rule of law and our beloved Constitutional Republic. I know the truth can be painful and has few friends these days but nonetheless, TRUTH MUST BE SPOKEN- EVEN SHOUITED FROM THE HOUSE TOPS if we are to remain a free and prosperous nation.

Well there is a good reason why we haven’t posted a video newscast for nearly two years. We knew that Trump had devolved into a narcissistic, pathological liar, breaking most all his major campaign promise. We could no longer in good conscience promote his chaos and drama any loner. Consequentially, we sensed for sometime that DeSantis and his weak kneed handlers were NOT up to the task -they were weak and not willing to stage a frontal attack on the wannabe dictator Trump. They feared Red Hat backlash which they have now bowed. But the Bible says that the fear of man brings a snare - it brings defeat.

The Bible describes the fear of man in terms of a trap: “The fear of man lays a snare, but whoever trusts in the Lord is safe” (Proverbs 29:25). When we fear man, we are walking into a dangerous place, because we’re no longer trusting in the Lord.

The Desire for approval from idolatrous, spiritually blind political persona Trump cult followers is indeed reminiscent of pre-WW2 Nazi Germany. But our roles should be never like that of red hat or brown shirted blind mice. Rather, like Dietrich Bonhoeffer, we should do all in our power by the grace of GOD, to expose the corrupt danger and resist evil and impending tyranny. ONLY GOD and our Romans 13 God ordained elected officials and judges can take retribution - not any individual chief executive. We are a Republic- not a monarchy or Emperorship!

At its core, the fear of man is about our desire for approval from others. But as with the genuine prophets & apostles of old, we must say "we fear God rather than man and we speak clearly the truth of God whatever the consequences. . It is sad that DeSantis and his handlers acquiesced to Trump and his vicious and immoral surrogates.

What we need now is Lions - LIONS OF TRUTH who hate nothing sin & evil and fear no one but God.

God is still a loving & all powerful, sovereign Lord - although sometimes life can appear confusing and arduous from our perspective. But truly, all we are concerned about is preserving for this and future generations (if Jesus tarries) our sacred freedoms and our Bill of Rights. Especially free speech without which the American Experiment cannot survive.

I am here to fight. I have an AUDIENCE OF ONE. We are the SALT OF THE EARTH - not the democrats or Trump red hat idolaters who will march strait into HELL WITH THEIR AHAB LEADERS (despite their false "professions" of faith. …

I hope that this newscast is a revelation and a blessing to those who would see it. God bless you and your family this 2024 & always and may you all have the best new years ever!

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