S4E35 | "Jean Eisenhower - MK ULTRA & Autism, Mind Control in Hollywood, Accessing Alters, & T.I.’s”

1 year ago

Today I’m honored to have back on the show by popular demand: Mind control educator, artist, writer and author of the book “Rattlesnake Fire: A memoir of extra-dimensional experience“, MK ULTRA survivor and targeted individual, environmentalist, artist, business consultant, award-winning journalist, and activist working for the healing and human rights of mind control subjects: Jean Eisenhower!

It’s an honor to have Jean back on the podcast as it’s been over a decade since last spoke up and released a 3-minute video on YouTube about mind control and her abuses - and as it went viral, she began to experience online and real life sabotage for speaking out. Her book, “Rattlesnake Fire: A Memoir of Extra-Dimensional Experience” also details her story as a victim of trauma-based mind control, being a targeted individual, and so much more and will be linked in the show notes for you to go check out! You can get a signed copy from her website which is really special. I know how special it is because I have my own signed copy right here!

In case you missed Jean’s first episode where we told the first part of her testimony, here’s a short recap: Jean was born into a multi-generational trauma based mind control, Freemasonic and military family and was placed into MK ULTRA from birth. It wouldn’t be until she was 41 when she’d realize she was a programmed multiple who was leading a double-life. And ever since, she’s been piecing together the story of her life while combating the warfare involved with being a targeted individual and survivor.

Jean discussed some amazing parts of her story last time she was on including her family and upbringing, programming tactics that were waged against her as a young girl and woman, UFOs, MK ULTRA, Y2K and electronic mind control, and so much more - I’ll have that episode in the show notes for you guys to go check out!

This time around, Jean will be expanding on her story in MK ULTRA and as a targeted individual and you’ll get an even bigger insight into the unbreakable spirit of a survivor. Jean is not only an overcomer of things that were meant to destroy her, but she stands here today with a heart full of love and an unimaginable passion to make the world a better place. Jean is not only kind and loving, but she is an exceptional story-teller who makes listening to hard things palatable, entertaining, and even funny. She’s a bright and brilliant speaker, and an eloquent and beautiful human being, and I can’t wait for all of us to learn more from her today!

Before I finish introducing our guest - I wanted to give a reminder that if you are a survivor or whistleblower who wants to share your story on the podcast or wants to share any information privately with me, you can now email me at IMAGINEABETTERWORLD2020@GMAIL.COM! You can also support me on Substack at www.emmakatherine@substack.com where I’m taking up journaling as an outlet for me personally to reflect on the podcast, guests, and my advocacy work. All of my social media and donation links are in the shownotes and I can’t thank all of your for your unwavering love and support of this show and every incredible guest we have the honor of listening to!

Website: https://paradigmsalon.net/ & https://jeaneisenhower.com/
Purchase her booK 'Rattlesnake Fire': https://rattlesnakefire.com/
YouTube: @ParadigmSalonVideo

Emma's Substack: https://emmakatherine.substack.com/
EMAIL: imagineabetterworld2020@gmail.com
All links: https://direct.me/theimaginationpodcast
BUY ME A COFFEE: https://www.buymeacoffee.com/theimagination

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