Lessons in Life

8 months ago

The matrix has ruled for thousands of years through fear, shame, and guilt. It may come as no surprise that those in high places who pushed the "vaccine" did not get the "vaccines" themselves. The ruling bloodline families assisted by the Freemasons, Club of Rome, Council of 13, Committee of 300, Bilderberg Group, Council on Foreign Relations, the Federal Reserve, the Bank for International Settlements, the IMF, the World Bank, the European Royals, the Skull & Bones 322, the World Economic Forum, Big Pharma, Big Tech, the Mockingbird Media, the Military Industrial Complex, the World Health Organisation, the United Nations, the big three BlackRock, Vanguard, and State Street, the 13 phoenetian/venetian families and many more satanic organizations have worked together for centuries to bring in the New World Order. They wanted to depopulate the planet to 500 Million, the carbon footprint they wish to eradicate is that of us. There are far, far more of us, but we need to all be awake, to stop being divided by colour, race, gender, sexuality and so on. Our ignorance and fear is what makes us hand over our power, we the people are the CREDITORS and this is because money can only be generated through labour. The banks do not create money, they create DEBT, and with debt comes USURY, and with usury comes SLAVERY.

The only way we the people can fight against this satanic behemoth is to switch OFF the tell-a-vision, especially those lining every wall in all the bars, and start to TALK and more importantly to LISTEN to those who have done the research. Opinions gained from watching tell-a-vision are opinions not worthy of being spoken, let alone listened to.

This is relevant for ALL countries out there

UNITE !!!!

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