Does This Person Have Regrets? 💔 Pick a Card Tarot, Timeless Reading

1 year ago

In this reading I'm asking spirit for answers on; Does This Person Have Regrets? 💔

00:00 Pile Picking
02:38 Pile One
22:42 Pile Two
44:18 Pile Three

🦄 Interested in my Tarot Learners Deck? Here's the link:

A great deck to help you learn the tarot with the meanings and imagery from the Original Rider Waite printed on the card. You can download and print this straight away so you can get straight on with using the deck.

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I have some limited spaces for personal readings.
1 Question £55 / 2 Questions £65 (Readings will be pre-recorded and a link sent to you)
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💫 Decks used in this reading 💫
- Sacred Geometry of Relationships by LON
- The Light Seers Tarot by Chris-Anne
- The Enchanted Tarot by Monte Farber & Amy Zerner
- Energy Oracle by Sandra Anne Taylor
- Ascended Masters Oracle by Doreen Virtue
- Romance Angels Oracle by Doreen Virtue
- Oracle of the 7 Energies by Colette Baron-Reid
- Whispers of Love Oracle by Angela Hartfield
- Crystal Tarot Deck by Wild Intuitive
- Tarot Learners Deck by Wild Intuitive

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Contact Me:

** Please note: I am required by law to state that all my tarot readings are for entertainment purposes. My readings do not provide professional legal, medical or financial advice. This is a general, collective reading.

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