QAnon Reptilians and Latter Rain

1 year ago

In 1929, Conan the Barbarian creator Robert E. Howard introduced the notion of "serpent men," whose evil plan was to infiltrate humanity using shape-changing and mind-control abilities. Howard's creation was first published in the August 1929 issue of Weird Tales, with a story that drew from the theosophical ideas of Helena Blavatsky's "The Secret Doctrine" and her invention of "dragon men."

The "serpent men," having human bodies and the heads of snakes, transitioned from fiction to conspiracy theory in the Christian Identity movement. Identity leaders believed that the Serpent from the Biblical Garden of Eden mated with Cain to produce a second and impure bloodline. That bloodline, half human and half serpent, were, in effect, "serpent men." In the extreme forms of the identity doctrine, Howard's storyline turned into theology; Identity leaders believed that the impure bloodline had seized control of the United States government.

This fictional creation spread even further via the Latter Rain movement. Leaders in Latter Rain taught Identity's two-seed doctrine as "divine revelation" and produced "visions" and "prophecies" to support the "serpent man." Some of these visions turned listeners against the United States government, and Latter Rain "prophets" claimed that they had seen reptilian government figures in them.

And then not long ago, you know, they...I had the vision that a great, dark, smoky, sooty, scaly, like an alligator, man come, moving towards me, with iron fingers. I had one little knife, like that. And he had on him, "United States government." And I couldn't help nothing. I was helpless. And then the Lord came on the scene, and it was conquered. And you remember me telling you that, long ago. - William Branham

After the reptilian was adopted by the leaders of Latter Rain, the conspiracy spread like wildfire. It gave birth to new extremist movements, that exist today. QAnon, for example, spreads propaganda of "serpent DNA" that has infiltrated the United States through vaccines and other conspiracies. In 2021, California surfing teacher Matthew Coleman murdered his two children after claiming that they were infected with Serpent DNA.

Latter Rain's Reptilian Conspiracy:

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