WOW Not gonna take that job! Woke Intersectional favoritism hiring is disgusting

3 months ago

They say that it’s an optional quiz, but you know they’re looking at that and you know that they’re thinking about the answers and you know that it’s gonna influence their choice. It’s like a bunch of Nazis in 1939 asking all the people who apply for a job in the government if they’re ethnically, Jewish or ethnically German or what not, and they say it won’t affect the hiring process, but it absolutely will. And just look at all the people on the left and the alt right which is actually just another way of saying the left hating Israel and being a bunch of little anti-Semitic anti-Israel anti-Jewish neo-Nazis. The left is Nazi. I don’t know how else to say it more clearly. They’re also Marxist communist. Nowadays they are nazis and I’ve been saying this for years. Leftists are the Nazis they’re not “liberals” anymore. They never were liberals they are democrats and they’re not even democratic. Rebellion against truth and goodness is not a form of freedom and affirmation of your rights. That’s what the Democrat party always sells people, they claim that rebellion against America in the Civil War is about freedom and states rights when it’s not. It’s about hating America and what America is about. The Democrats were the confederates. And that’s what they sold us in the 1960s hippie movement, they said that rebellion against America and against Jesus Christ is freedom and standing up for your rights and so people believe that. The hippies in the left, and the Democrats were never about freedom or liberality or individualism or your rights, they’ve always been about rejecting America and rebelling against it, and rejecting Jesus Christ and rebelling against him as God . What they offer you is not freedom it’s Nazism. They don’t believe in democracy, they just called themselves democrat because Democrat is the name of their FACTION. If the name of their faction or team was Adolf, “Democrats” would call themselves Adolfoans and would not worry about it. Democrats don’t believe in democracy they believe in the Democratic Party elite ruling by any means necessary… they only call themselves Democrat because that is their faction name. They’re not liberal, because they don’t believe in freedom in any sense, except the freedom to be free of morality, and to do all kinds of evil freely in whatever way they want to.

There’s no liberals on the left, if you’re a true liberal, you would be on the right because that’s where it’s about freedom and individuality. The left is not offering freedom, it’s offering moral liberality as in freedom from any kind of moral rules so that you can be evil, and do whatever you want without any laws or restrictions at all. They are the people of lawlessness. They don’t believe in any kind of individual freedom that is not controlled by the license and permission of the totalitarian central leadership except they want to go away from the moral rules of God, and choose the liberality of Satan to do whatever sins they would like to do (immorality) even if it’s evil. Liberals called good people immoral just like the Nazis called everybody else immoral, because the liberal rage discussed. Response is the same psychology as the German Nazi rage discussed response. They’re calling people evil and unvirtuous just like the Nazis did because they have reversed the spirituality of good and evil. They have put Satan on God‘s throne they’ve put God And the morals of God, as if it was a demon… In their mind.

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