Big batch of chilli sauce

3 months ago

This was the chilli sauce I made from the Bishop's Crown chillies that I grew and harvested, along with some of my Jalapeños and some what I think we Habaneros that my mother-in-law was given from her friend.
It made a good lot of chilli sauce and using the heated jars with the pop-cap lids, the sealed jars should keep on the shelf in the cupboard for 6 months or more.... although it might last long enough to see find out. I do like chilli sauce.
1 large pot full of chilli (whatever heat level you like)
1 litre vinegar
1 litre water
1 tablespoon smoked paprika
1/2 tablespoon onion power
1 tablespoon garlic powder
4 tablespoons salt (any salt without anti-caking agents)

Roughly chop the chillies, removing the stems and any dodgy bits.
Add other ingredients to the pot.
Cook over medium-high heat for around 40-45 minutes, or until the chillies start to look soft.
Remove from heat and use a stick blender to blend everything and smooth as you can.
Boil the kettle and fill your containers with boiling water and allow to sit for 5 minutes. Put some hot water from the tap into the glass containers first to pre-warm the containers before adding boiling water or you can crack your glass jars.
Strain the blended sauce through a sieve into another large pot. Stir and return to the stove on a medium heat to bring the sauce back up to just boiling.
Carefully transfer the near boiling chilli sauce into the glass containers and seal the lids tightly. Leave the containers to cool and you should hear a pop noise when the pop-cap lids are sucked downwards by the cooling liquid and air in the container, creating a vacuum-seal.

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