Archaeologists unearth rare 14th-century armor near Swiss castle

5 months ago

Swiss archaeologists conducting excavations around a medieval castle near the German border have made an extraordinary discovery.

Crews unearthed a remarkably well-preserved gauntlet believed to have been forged during the 14th century, marking an unprecedented find, according to officials.

The announcement described the armor as a “sensational find.”

“At first, Lorena Burkhardt hardly dared to voice her suspicions: This is a sensation in archeology!” reads a translated post shared on Facebook earlier this month by the canton of Zürich.

“Never before has such a well-preserved and complete gauntlet from the 14th century appeared in Switzerland,” the post continues. “Who did the gauntlet belong to? Was it newly made in the Kyburg forge or already worn in battle? Cantonal archeology will now investigate such questions.”

Gauntlets, armored gloves commonly utilized by European soldiers and knights from the 11th century onward, are considered “extremely rare” when dating back earlier than the 15th century, as stated by Zürich officials.

The particular gauntlet in question was unearthed during an excavation near Kyburg Castle, situated approximately 20 miles northeast of Zürich, CBS News reported.


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