Article 4613 Video - International Public Notice: Human v Man, Man v Human By Anna Von Reitz

10 months ago

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Article 4613 Video - International Public Notice: Human v Man, Man v Human - Monday, January 22, 2024 By Anna Von Reitz

We must learn the difference between a man and "hue-man", transliterated as "human".

A man is a living, breathing, unique being with a unique genotype, physical substance, immense energy, and inseparable divinity, including inseparable "unalienable" rights bequeathed by Nature.

It may come as a surprise, but living men and women cannot give away or abrogate or change their natural rights. We are what we are.

We cannot escape our Natural rights, and they cannot be bought, bartered, sold, or given away, no matter how ardently commercial interests wish otherwise.

The first "hue-mans" were thought to be the placenta and afterbirth materials. It was a dark and superstitious time, when ignorance and fear conspired to create a belief that these "monsters" that expired shortly after the birth of a living baby were some other kind of "men" --- existing as a kind or "color" of man: Hue-mans.

Out of this dismal and ignorant belief the idea of "human creatures" existing apart from mankind was born, and so also the idea of "subhumans" was born, with each category being open to interpretation and prejudice.

In the 1450s, the Roman Catholic Pope declared Saracens to be subhumans, and to be subject to "eternal enslavement".

As a result, the Roman Catholics like the Ancient Romans before them, accepted slavery for themselves and everyone else.

You reap what you sow. If you sow enslavement, guess what? The same system you use to enslave other men can be, and will be used, to enslave you.

It is this fundamental error that led to the classification of Man, Human, and Subhuman that the Conquistadors and Nazis employed, whether the rationale for it was religion or race or some other criteria. No matter what excuse, these beliefs and related practices are always evil and untrue.

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