BQH: Sit, Pee, Move! Question of the Week

6 months ago

This week's Question of the Week is all about what happens if a session needs a break. Long sessions, are they necessary? How short can a BQH session actually be? And, is it required to sit or lay still the ENTIRE TIME? You might be surprised to hear that answer is NO.

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About Candace Craw-Goldman
Candace Craw-Goldman is a wife, mom and grandmother, a healer, a dreamer and a writer of magical things. She is the creator of _Beyond Quantum Healing_ and _Quantum Connect_ – modalities that explore, expand and elevate our human consciousness. She is the founder of, a GURU-free community of Healers and way showers. is a multi-platform of support and services for practitioners that includes a world-wide public directory, censorship-FREE support forum and quantum healing courses for healers of ALL kinds. Candace began her healer’s journey as Dolores Cannon’s teaching assistant and created Dolores’ Original QHHT Support Forum in 2008.

This question came in via email that I've printed off right here so I can read it directly. Hi, Candace, I'm enjoying the Quantum Connect course immensely. That's great. I'm thinking about taking the BQH course too, but I have a couple of questions. First, what is the shortest BQH session I could offer a client? I keep seeing long sessions offered, that wouldn't work for me as a client or as a practitioner.

She goes on to say that I need to stay hydrated and relieve my bladder often. Plus sitting for long is not healthy for me as a 65 year old, I put my health first. And I'm glad you put your health first, because that's important. And I tried to do that as well.

I have a lot of things to talk about here in regards to your email. So first of all, BQH is a very flexible modality. And there are practitioners who limit and even time their sessions, I don't happen to be one of those people, I like being open ended. So my sessions are very variable in length, but there are those practitioners who have decided to cap therapy, Q&A sessions, you know it within a particular timeframe. Some of the shortest sessions I hear of people offering are two or three hour sessions. And just recently, as a matter of fact, not very long ago, I had a spectacular session with incredible healing with a client who had cancer, actually, who came back and had a wonderful PET scan.

Results happen just a few weeks after we had the session. And that session start to finish was just over two hours, maybe closer to two and a half hours from start to finish. I mean, in the door out the door, that was a pretty quick session for me. So you can do it in that amount of time. Now, she says that she needs to stay hydrated and relieve my bladder often. Well, you and me both. And you know, we're a lot like that. And And luckily, BQH was designed to work with water. Absolutely designed to work with water, we use a water alchemy process within the session, we understand. And we operate under the assumption and this idea that water is liquid consciousness and that the human battery needs water to connect with the higher and expanded consciousness levels that we have access to.

If you stay dehydrated, you actually kind of disconnect from some of those levels. Water is incredibly important. And it used to be a very old way of thinking about this was limit your water. Now we're talking clients, and we're talking to practitioners limit your water why? So there wouldn't be interruptions, Dolores Cannon actually used to teach this she used to say now we don't want to be drinking too much water. Because we don't want to interrupt the session, I have come to understand and practice in exactly the opposite way.

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