Muslim Heard The voice of Jesus calling His name!

1 year ago

My name is Paul Musthafa. I was born to a Muslim family. My father was a train driver of south Indian railways and mother was a house wife .In the year of 1993, I was studying to take the examinations for my final year in high school. One day as I walked to a place to receive help from a tutor, I suddenly heard a voice calling by my name “Musthafa! Musthafa!”
I stopped and thought someone was calling me. I turned and looked all around, but no one else was present. I shrugged off this voice and started to walk. Again I heard the same voice calling my name, and the voice said, “Look at me and be ye saved, I am The God, and there is none else”. I looked up at the sky and saw no one. However, a felt some kind of power come around me. I could feel this power that seemed to be like electricity passing all over me. A voice spoke to me.... Watch the Video to hear the complete testimony!

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