Age Verification Is Coming For Spicey Content - MGTOW

5 months ago

Red Pill Mentor Tokyo
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Hi Everyone Sandman Here,

This video is brought to you by a donation from Rusty. He wants me to talk about what happens now that in Utah there's a law requiring requiring age verification for spicy content. Rusty says that I predicted this years ago which I did but I also predicted it's failure. All I have to do is get a vpn if I'm a teenager and it's still open to me. Many will say but Sandman how does one get a VPN unless they are eighteen years of age and has access to a credit card? It's simple. There are actually free ones out there. They aren't any good but they can still get the job done. There are also torrents. You can install something like Frostwire and sail the high seas for hooters. Besides even if you are eighteen why would you send your ID to a spicey content creator so they know who you are and can potentially sell that information to agencies and individuals that can use it against you. In Utah they are doing this because they say there are mental health effects watching censored content can have on kids. I agree if you're a kid that's bad. But most people accessing it without ID are probably teenage boys. This isn't the 1990s where unless you had a physical vhs tape or magazine it could be stopped. Even back then I got access to it through a pay per view descrambler box, BBS's, European magazines and a c-band satellite dish. Utah is putting the responsibility on the tube sites to figure out how to verify the age of the people looking at them. Lately I've been noticing that when I go to a spicey content page it asks me if I'm 18. But that's not much of a deterrent. So the fear is that many websites will start asking users for photos of their passport or drivers license and that's going to hurt their business because most people won't give up that information easily. Plus how do they ensure there's no identity theft or other such non sense. Yes some tech savvy people like myself and you Rusty will just get a VPN. I already have one. But most people either won't pay for one of if they are old geezers they don't even know what it is. Utah also passed a similar law to require age verification for anyone who wants to use social media in Utah. So what happens when this doesn't work as expected? Well I predicted that the next step after giving them your ID would be for there to be some sort of government ID to make sure that everyone that goes on the internet can be completely identified. That's the point where things start to get interesting. Say for example Canada demands that every citizen needs to use their government ID to access the internet in Canada. Would I just cave into their demands or would I leave the country? I'd leave but most people wouldn't. Just like I use a VPN and most people don't.

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