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New American Daily | WEF Attacks Rice Farming, Free Thinking, and the Financial System

1 year ago

This year’s World Economic Forum in Davos ended on Friday, but not before the people who make up the aspiring global oligarchy told us exactly how they’d like to further ruin our lives. From the way we farm to how we shop, to censoring unapproved ideas, they mean to smash it all to pieces. In this episode, we feature the WEFers’ own words and discuss them.

Other stories in this episode include:

@ 11:10 | Despite all the inter-party fights over the issue in the last few months, Congress continues spending and borrowing money we don’t have;

@ 16:38 | Just before the New Hampshire primary, DeSantis calls it quits and gets behind Trump;

@ 22:32 | Despite the overturning of Roe v. Wade, pro-lifers marched in D.C. on Friday with the new goal of ending the brutal practice of abortion in all 50 states;

@ 33:24 | In Fort Collins, Colorado, they’re building a new $12 million, taxpayer-funded lab — a lab that will import bats from around the world to experiment on dangerous diseases.


  • 0/2000
  • keep killing it guys!!!

    1 like
  • "Two weeks!" [Al Gore looks like the woman on that "Total Recall" movie. Is Arnold Schwarzenegger hiding under an Al Gore disguise? lol]