Dr. Jan Harper-Hayes Discusses Why The Democrats Fear Trump with Nicholas Veniamin

11 months ago

Jan Halper-Hayes, Ph.D.

Internationally recognised for developing integrated strategies that speak to the needs of customers, employees and voters. Working as a business partner, complex business situations are broken down into solutions to, for example, establish market presence, take companies to their ''next level'' of evolution, compel employees and companies to re-trench and re-position when market conditions change, re-evaluate their strategic direction to eliminate the competition and own the market space while leading large scale teams to embrace the change and take responsibility for the outcomes.

When advising Boards and Executives in complex merger situations, start-ups and next-stage growth, she harnesses staff from the bottom to the top, encouraging ownership of the strategic objectives.

Over the past seven years her volunteer activities afforded opportunities to Give Back. She built a financial website for expatriates. Established 51 Country Chapters for overseas Americans tax related issues. Mentored women at all stages of their career.

Nicholas Veniamin - https://www.bitchute.com/video/Y79NJcqd5eh7/

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