Pawns in the Game - Illuminati Conspiracy (Ted Gunderson 1/2)

1 year ago

Long, extensive lecture on many aspects of the globalist conspiracy, presented by deceased FBI veteran Ted Gunderson. The topics are, chronologically:
J. Edgar Hoover, Pearl Harbor, Jeffrey R. McDonald, Satanism, the book "Pawns in the Game", Adam Weishaupt, Illuminati, corruption & blackmail-system, pedophile rings, corrupt justice system, intimidation of witnesses and victims, Paul Bonacci, Alisha Owen, Gary Caradori, Franklin Scandal, assassinations/neutralizations, recruitment through universities, education system;

[30 MINUTE MARK] hidden hand, NWO, One World Government, media control, Rothschild, foment revolutions & wars deliberately, expropriation, liberalism, "law" => force, classwars, shadow government, invoke strife & aggression, moral corruption, drugs, banksters, CIA crimes (e.g. MENA), operation Black Rose, CFR, expropriation and control of the people through the banking system, national debt, IRS, Federal Reserve, World Bank, US Treasury, breeding humans (for very specific purposes), MK Ultra, presidential models/sex slaves, propaganda, politics, election fraud;

[1 HOUR MARK] censorship, Rockefeller/Trilateral Commission, Bilderberg Group, weaponizing criminals, Skull & Bones, Council of 300, food shortage, depopulation, HAARP, Starwars program, vaccines, philantrophy as guise, communist manifesto;

[90 MINUTE MARK] economic war, debt system, drugs, GAP/NAFTA, concentration camps (we now know about the FEMA camps..), UN takeover.

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