EP310 Java with Just Jodie Featuring Foster Coulson, Freedom Fighter Entrepreneur! Founder of The Wellness Company,The cofounder of Zelenko Labs,founder of the Vigilant News Network (VNN) WWW.VIGILANTNEWS.com and involved with WWW.UNJECTED.COM

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Episode 310
Welcome back to Java with Just Jodie Featuring Foster Coulson! Freedom Fighter Entrepreneur, Also the Cofounder of Zelenko labs ,founder of the Vigilant News Network (VNN) WWW.VIGILANTNEWS.com
The Wellness Company (TWC)

and involved with WWW.UNJECTED.COM

Quote by Foster “It is time we come together. It’s time we move out of the fear-mongering used to control us, and into the light, the love, and the future.”
Being a successful entrepreneur before 2020, he didn’t need to take this risk. Foster chose to put a giant target on his back to help people everywhere who value freedom and building a better tomorrow for our children. He fully believes we are born twice in life: once when we are physically brought into the world by God, and the other when we find our purpose in it. His is clear, He is dedicating his life and companies to the pursuit of helping others in a real and tangible way. So what does this mean, “to create a parallel economy”? For him, it’s focusing on not one, but three key pillars.

Health & Wellness
Connection & Community
Communication & Free Speech
Just Jodie is The Founder of The Patriots Helping Patriots News Network, Broadcaster, Podcaster, and news Contributor for #PHPnews as well as YOURNEWS.COM
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Thank Y'all so much! God Bless !

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