Uncovering the Truth: The Battle Between Common Law and Statutory Laws

1 year ago

The Common law vs Statutory Laws
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From legal con men color of law back to common law ( Resist Fascism)
• Police officers and detectives are trained in criminal investigation.
• Police officers and detectives are usually experienced expert witnesses and are trained in getting incriminating statements from suspects.
• Police officers and detectives will sometimes deceive or trick you into doing something or making a statement.

For example:
• "Come to the station. We just want to find out what happened. We just want to talk to you. " "We have all sorts of evidence against you." "Your friend has already told us you were involved." "If you don't tell us your version of what happened, at trial, the prosecutor will say you just made this story up with your lawyer." "We have this whole thing on video. (showing you a videocassette which is usually blank)." Despite what the police officer or detective might say, your silence cannot be used against you in Court.

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