Arrest Keir Starmer compromised and exploited traitor

11 months ago

Dear Ms Rayner,
We may have less than 4 days to prevent the corrupt blackmailed and bribed puppets Rishi Sunak and Sir Keir Starmer murdering King Charles III and committing the UK to another illegal war for the benefit of Sir Tony Blair and the corrupt US businesses that bribe them.
Please see attached document addressed to Sir Keir Starmer, the closeted homosexual, exploited, and blackmailed fraudulent Leader of the Opposition.
Given the nature of the allegations against Sir Keir, I am sure you will understand the urgency and the need for this document to be served not on the corrupt traitor that is Sir Keir Starmer.
It is my intention that you should use your position for proper purposes and use Parliamentary procedures to remove the threats to the UK and the Jews hellbent on a money-spinning World War 3 to bail out:
• Bail out BARCLAYS BANK and other UK and US banks.
• Get their hands on Russia’s oil and gas reserves.
• Get their hands on Palestinians oil and gas reserves that I recently learned of.
• Revenge for World War 2 with Germany attacking Russia in Lebensraum.
• Expansion of Jew interests into Europe.
Sir Keir is a dishonest, fraudulent, paedophile protector, complicit in numerous state murders, misleads the public on a daily basis in sham, fake, and fraudulent PMQs and other charades and pantomimes that the other sessions from Parliament’s main debating chamber or whatever you fraudsters call yourselves.
I have chosen you, because out of Labour’s fraudulent front bench, I think you may be the only one that is honest.

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