there's always been light n that's why you're still alive

11 months ago

i never did watch that movie, i ended up passing out on my floor n spilling coffee all over the carpet n almost got it in my laptop cos i'm that fucking careless
the body double adhd productivity tactic
having sumin on in the background helps w/ the motivation
memento is the story of my life
either cannabis or natural born dementia
look at all those damn shoes (more upstairs)
that mural looks like a photo
imagine doin conspiratorial research over frasier
art inspires more art
i really don't think highly of mass consumers
i can't get cancelled by a canon camcorder, i will not accept this
that cup was so small!
my $ just went to china, imagine that
i could just stop buying crap *i have little post it notes all over my house that say, do not buy more crap from china
i'm nowhere near as impulsive as i used to be
progress not perfection? how bout success IS perfection
any amt of success is perfect to the Lord b/c at least you're trying
the beastie boys were impressive due to their musical comradery
this is paisley's active time
*UPDATE: she knocked it down the following day
my fave genre is suicidal art
my emotions are elastic, way darker than light
you can't realize this when in the light all the time
i think that optimists are lying to themselves
good on keira for taking criticism
fat acceptance is quite strange, how bout alcoholic acceptance
more proof that i'm a disorganized schizo
i love cows so much, here go you more evidence
there's a cow on the telephone!
raw milk is what we are supposed to drink
don't run n tell the neighbors, paisley
i usually forget whatever i wanted to say, luckily there's way more
it takes much patience to put up w/ my ass
sometimes it takes the negative to bring out the positive
how bout depression acceptance
not coming from a place of judgment or belittlement i promise
there are plenty of fat people who can take this, it's really just that small fraction of (typically) leftists
"capitalist freedom"
true freedom is doin God's will
you can't tell another person what God's will is for them, how would YOU know
they highlight one Bible verse n toss the rest of it
the person you were when you were a kid is who you really are
i don't have to have kids to realize the amazing ability that children have to enlarge the God part of you
you never have to have x, y & z no matter what they tell ya
it is disingenuous!
grandstanding about yer lifestyle doesn't convince me that it's workin for ya but people like you will buy what you're selling
i just hate technology, yawl
i don't like this about myself at all
people don't seem to mind being pieces a shit
just admit that you weren't paying attention
the visual stimulation is killing yer ability to concentrate
nodding in agreeance w/out paying any attention...CLASSIC adhd american (all but the amish)
i picked her up to annoy her since she is annoying me
she meows when she wants to meow, but i suppose that's why she has earned so much of my respect
paisley is such a woman

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