WARNING: GRAPHIC IMAGES!!Ukraine war massacre. 28 killed at market in Donetsk

5 months ago

warning the following is very graphic containing images of dead bodies. viewer discretion is advised please no minors or should view this.
I saw this on YouTube and people don't really get what's going on and Ukraine there thinking that Ukraine is winning and they're the angels and the good guys. and we're backing them up with weapons. well here's the truth.
the United States and the Joseph Biden administration have been funding incidents like this. where Ukrainian forces using American weaponry kill innocent civilians in the Russian dumbass and donuts region. this is what happened this morning.
this is Patrick Lancaster from news today, an independent journalist reporting what you will not see on main Street Media in the United States. on Sunday morning Ukrainian forces shelled a crowded local market in the DPR or the donuts collision killing a total of 28 people and in June 30.

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