COVID HALL OF FAME: Prophetic Excerpts From The Simpsons (Cat Flu Pandemic & Death Prick)

1 year ago

COVID HALL OF FAME: Prophetic Excerpts From The Simpsons (Cat Flu Pandemic & Death Prick) - A group of TV representatives plan to cause mass panic to increase ratings by fabricating a faux disease caused by household cats and state, among other things, that there is a vaccine available in limited supply. At the Springfield hospital, Mr. Burns steals a significant portion of the vaccine for himself, claiming that he needs to give a good example to his hounds (even though dogs are immune to the disease) and running over the rest of the vaccine with his car in the process, causing immense anger to Springfield.

FROM The Simpsons - "The Fool Monty", Season 22, Episode 6, which aired November 21, 2010.

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Excerpt Two: The Simpsons - "The Death Prick: A Parent's Guide To Shots Gone Wrong" From Season 15, Episode 21, Bart-Mangled Banner, which aired on May 16, 2004.

Homer and Marge take the kids to get their shots. Just before Dr. Hibbert is about to inject Bart, he escapes. After a chase through town, Hibbert finally outsmarts Bart, by having Barney (as well as Moe) wear a latex mask, and finally injects him. However, the shot causes Bart's earholes to swell shut as a side effect, making him temporarily deaf and Hibbert also tricks Homer into signing a malpractice waiver.

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