Happiness Is...

1 year ago

Happiness is ... 👀⬇️
Happiness is always within you!
You search outside of yourself, looking for external sources to "fill you up"...
People, places, & things will never complete you, because, don't you know?...

You are already perfect, whole, & complete, exactly as you are right now, you are perfect, magnificent, beautiful, lighted being.
You have "forgotten", & need to remind yourself that you can choose to...

Be in the flow of be-ing, fully present, fully conscious in the powerful moment of now, as this is where it all is right now, & within.

No matter the seeming circumstances, no matter the past, or the future, what you seemingly have, or seemingly don't, what you seemingly look like, or seemingly don't, as none of that defines you, nor "makes you into" the person you are.

When do you realize that you always were, are, and will be, light, and love. No such thing as "perfectly imperfect" you are perfect full stop, & exclamation.!

You do have personal choice in be-ing all you choose to be.
You are the magical creator in your "reality".
Acknowledging this is personally powerful, and you at any moment can think a new thought, and change direction of your experiences.This is self love, allowing yourself the freedom to be.

Forgive yourself, and others, hug yourself, & commend yourself, for doing the best with what you knew how to at the time.
There is no right or wrong method, just many ways to do something, all life lessons along our journey.
All truly is well in your world.

All your wants and desires, all is possible, because it is, in be-ing.

Feel, know, take action, in the gift of the present.
Because all there ever was is, & will be, is already here.
Align energetically with this knowledge, consciously be aware, & that is enough, as it is all overflowing abundantly as we choose it to be. So be mindful of where you attach your energy.
Let it flow!

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