Nikki Hayley (aka Nimarata Randhawa) - It's a Knock-Out - GAME OVER

1 year ago

When lies are spoken they tend to boomerang and bite you in the ass, something Nimarata Randhawa is going to find out about. America is on the brink of the abyss and a true leader of courage is needed, someone who tells the truth, someone who cannot be bought....and that is not this charlatan.

Only one Presidential term has ever created no wars, but many peace deals....that is President Donald J Trump

Switch off the mockingbird media, use the brain God gave you...Trump said many times that he will give power back to the people....that means you do diligent research, use good discernment, and ignore the liars and deceivers...they will be the ones the fake news media will support.

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