WW3 Update: Tucker and Col Macgregor on the Take Down of America is way past underway 51m Not Sure if we can stop the bleeding

5 months ago

We are getting disassembled from within. Civil unrest is up in Arms and Ammo. The Corrupt Gov and Elite are stealing every last dollar you have. They are feeding you to the Lions. Chaos is going to happen in a city near you.... SOON!!!

Tucker and the Col touch base on some of this list of :
USA Destruction: Government Raids, East Palestine Bombing, HAWAII BURNS, Laser Weapons, Profitable Disasters, OPEN BORDERS, US Populist Replacement Takeover, Chemical plants go up in Flames, Food Processing Plants up in Flames, 15 Minute Enslavement Cities, Chemical train derailments, Indoctrination in many, many schools from Elementary thru College, Parents protecting kids are on terrorist list from WOKE, Chemtrail Poisoning, Sold out US land to Counties that hate US, SWAMP Corruption, Climate Hoax, EV Hoax, 90% Fake Main Stream, Covid Hoax, Death Shots, PlanDemic, ScamDenic, PlanDenic Virus “X”, Privacy Invasion, Fed Setups, Cyber War, Electrical Grid Attacks, Nuke EMF, Terrorist Attacks, Solar Panel Failures, Wind Turbine Failures, Medical Misinformation, Conspiracy Theories?, Big Pharma, Land Grab, Big Tech, Big Gov, Rich Elites, Sex Traffic, SWAMP, NWO, WHO, WEF, Global Elites, Great Reset, Klaus Schwab, Bill Gates, Soros, Biden, Obama, De-population Agenda, American Revolution, Civil War, Cultural Revolt, US Replacement Enslavement Agenda, Foreign Militarize Invasion

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