A 25-Year-Old Black Woman Slammed A 10-Year-Old's Head Into Glass Display At The Mall While Laughing

5 months ago

HATE CRIME? A 25-year-old black woman named Reanna Valentine slammed a 40-pound 10-year-old white child’s head into a glass display at a mall and ran away laughing with her friends. ‘She took her hand to the back of my neck and slammed it into the glass,’ Sophia Simpson said. ‘I started crying and then she turns around, she starts laughing at me, and then she puts on her mask and runs away.’

Valentine was arrested the next day when she returned to the mall and was recognized by security. She has since been charged with a simple misdemeanor. Sophia, obviously confused, added, ‘Why? I don't know why, I mean I didn't do anything to her.’ Do we know why? Is this a hate crime? If some white people slammed a black child's head into a glass display while laughing, would the media report it the same way?

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