Discover if You Have an End-Time Mindset like Noah!

1 year ago

Discover what the Bible reveals about the signs of the last days through Noah, Lot, and Peter. They serve as markers that point to the return of the Son of Man. Noah points to the mindset we need in order to serve our Father’s purpose in this generation as I sincerely believe we are entering the days of Noah.

One of the signs of these times are what I consider the days of a false prophet named Yuval Noah Harari. It’s a gentleman that many leaders like Klaus Schwab, Barak Obama, Mark Zuckerberg and Bill Gates refer to as “The Prophet.” I take a look at some of the ideology he is espousing. You’ll hear Noah, in his own words talking about going beyond the God of the Bible and creating a new religion. One that creates Techno-humanism and even cyborgs.

It’s mixed seed, just like in the days of Noah found in Genesis 6. In Luke 17 Jesus refers to those days and refers to Noah, Lot and then those who’d be alive when the Son of Man returns. Noah’s mindset led to him serving our Father’s purpose in that generation. It glorified God, saved his family and impacted the world as we know it. Lot on the other hand, just made it out by the skin of his teeth with part of his family.

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