Disease X anyone? “Radio frequency radiation is a Class 1 Carcinogen”

1 year ago

During Covid Lockdowns only “essential” jobs were carried out - apparently the erection of thousands of 5G Towers all over the country were then ‘essential’.
We’ve all seen clips of people measuring high levels of EMF near towers, tress & bushes dying in close proximity & a steady decline in birds & bee populations.
Excess deaths & cancers continue to rise in ALL countries.
The fact you can’t have a serious conversation about the risks of these towers without being labelled a ‘tin foil whatever’ should tell you all you need to know. .>>>
Disease X anyone?
Cult Of The Medics Chapter 1 – Global Vax Genocide Biological Warfare, Greatest Crime in History
"IGGY" - Invasive, Sentient AI... What is "IT" Doing here on Earth? Artificial Intelligence & BlackGoo
Alfred Webre provides a fascinating presentation surrounding his work around the extraterrestrial presence, artificial intelligence and mysterious substances discovered in the Falkland Islands referred to as Black Goo.
Viewer's Notice: This presentation was conducted via Skype, and there may be occasional instances of audio distortions. However, these distortions are minimal and do not significantly impact the overall viewing and listening experience of the speaker.
Episode VI - NACHTWAFFEN PILOT Penny Bradley NWP Saga: Black Goo & Psionics
An anthology of the most comprehensive testimony about the Secret Space Program, based on 100 interviews.
The first half of this episode deals with the alien type of black goo, an abiotic mineral oil that can be found inside the Earth and other planets, and how this reprogrammed version is running rampant in the galaxy.
The second half focuses on Penny's psionic feats with and without black goo.

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