Dressing For Sabbath Services - Showing Honor and Respect For God

6 months ago

There is no explicit command for us to wear certain types of clothing to Sabbath services. Jackets... ties... robes... togas... tunics... dresses... pantyhose... sandals. God leaves us to our own devices in inventing different ways to dress.

How we dress (especially for special occasions) comes and goes as the decades and centuries roll by. Given enough time jackets and ties will disappear… but the principle of dressing for the occasion will not.

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We are to make a separation between what is common and what is holy. The Sabbath day is holy, not common. The assembly we are called to every 7th day is holy, not common.

Come before YHWH with respect - respect is two-fold: 1) it is an attitude you hold in your heart and mind 2) it is a discernible display of that attitude. Genesis 22:12 God didn't simply beam a mind probe into Abraham's psyche to see what he was really like... God looked at what Abraham did.

Come before YHWH with appropriate attire that is both: 1) clean 2) not the same clothing used for common activities.

By Ayobami99 - Own work, CC BY-SA 4.0, https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=76515329

Photos by Unknown author is licensed under CC BY-NC.​

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